177 words
1 minutes
Hack the Box Reverse Engineering Challenge 1 Writeup

Programs/Applications Used#

  • Kali Linux
  • Ghidra
  • strace
  • ltrace

Useful Links#

Preliminary Steps#

The first step to begin with is reading challenge description and checking the downloads. We have a binary file, so can start by just trying to run it.

Binary after unpacking and initial zip

Binary Analysis#

Upon trying to run the file, we simply get another prompt.

Binary run

So now to use strace and ltrace to see what they give:

Trace command outputs

Seeing this SIGILL, I looked up what that means (see above) and then opened up the executable in Ghidra and headed to the main().

Initial Ghidra run

Here I saw the UD2 mentioned in the stackoverflow post, so began to decompile each one (Right click, decompile):

Decompile step

At this point, while decompiling each one, I noticed the strlen function, and then noticed the strncmp external call as well below this. I noticed that in the first strncmp function it had the plain text ‘Itz’ at the end of the variable as well:



Going down each strncmp, I also found the print that states what format the flag would be printed in:

Flag found

After doing this, the flag came out to be:


Hack the Box Reverse Engineering Challenge 1 Writeup
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